New England Wow, Page One

News, opinions and comments from the opening page of on the New England region, our country, the planet and a few thoughts on our place in the universe.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lemont wins, as does Connecticut. Before the vote, this is what we had to say about the primary.
Ned Lemont for Senate in the Connecticut Democratic Primary, today, August 8
...we must now develop a sound strategy to extricate ourselves from this nightmare of twenty-first century, American hubris.
We’ve supported Senator Joseph Lieberman before and if he wins the primary, we may do so again in the November election. The Senator has a long history of supporting issues with which we agree and while he is somewhat short of charisma, he is hard working and has decidedly “common man” roots. He is noted for a certain amount of whining, but as had been said, sometimes one must take the good with sound of fingernails scraping on the blackboard.Until a few months ago we had never heard of Ned Lemont. Thanks to a well financed public relation and advertising campaigns-and substantial ’grass roots’ interest-we now know a few things about him that qualify him for our support and representing us in the United States Senate.Yes, Ned Lemont is wealthy, apparently greatly so. (We wish more common people could run for office, but we think those days are over, despite recent efforts at campaign finance reform.) But we’ve been impressed with his consistent and long-term efforts to give back to his community and to society at large.His no “flash in the pan” do-gooder but a man who believes, honestly we think, in the ideal of “noblesse oblige” (the noble obligation). He seem to agree with with John Kennedy, quoting from the Bible…“For of those to whom much is given, much is required.”And yes, on many substitutive issues, the two candidates have much in common.There are two important differences; the erosion of civil liberties in America and what is supremely important in this election, our war in Iraq, its incompetent execution and the need for an acknowledgement that we made a grave mistake in starting this war and we must now develop a sound strategy to extricate ourselves from this nightmare of twenty-first century, American hubris.
The Senator from Connecticut clearly lacks this understanding. By his words, actions and votes in the senate he has become the “me too” man for President Bush, Vice President Cheney and the entire lot of rightwing, flag waving, “take the hill, boys” patriots who’ve gotten us into this miss. The senator has gone beyond just not getting it. He is it.We do not know what it will take to wake him from his deep sleep, and frankly, we are beyond caring.
Too many lies have been said and gone unchallenged.
Too many lives have been lost.
Too many promising futures have suddenly ended.
Too many “historic” moments have come and gone while we’re still waist deep in the big muddy and the big fool says to push on.
There is no more important issue in an election than a nation at war. Everything else should be on the back burner.
On this issue, and many others, Ned Lemont gets it.
We give him our unqualified support and urge all democrats in Connecticut to vote for Ned Lemont in the Senate primary on August 8.

Your tax dollars at work.
$202 or $406 billion Estimated Costs of U.S. Operations in Iraq Under Two Specified Scenarios from the Congressional Budget Office July 13, 2006. (in PDF format)
The Big Dig The Central Artery/Tunnel Project in its final stages of construction remains the largest and most complex highway and tunnel project in the nation's history. There is broad input and oversight of the Project by numerous entities, and Project managers prepare an extensive monthly report, the Project Management Monthly (PMM), to track the $14.6 billion budget and schedule. The PMM, the annual Finance Plan, a timeline/schedule and other reports and publications are presented in this Project Update section.MTA - Project Updates An actual quote from their web site
Then there's FEMA Release Date: February 4, 2002
Washington, D.C. -- The director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that the Bush Administration is asking Congress for Fiscal Year 2003 budget authority of $6.4 billion.
George discovers Geneva Prodded in unequal parts by poll numbers, the upcoming elections, allies who've had enough and the Supreme Court, the administration has decided that we will follow the Geneva Convention with regard to the prisoners held in Guantánamo and perhaps other undisclosed locations around the world. Among the prohibitions on the treatment of prisoners include;
a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;
(c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;

(d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
Read more about the Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. International Humanitarian Law - Third 1949 Geneva Convention which is part of the International Committee of the Red Cross web site.
JUST STOP Noon Friday-Our modest effort to protest the war in Iraq. We're asking everyone to just stop what they are doing every Friday at noon for sixty seconds. Sometimes, doing nothing is doing something.

As goes Brookline....Among the issues discussed at the 2006 Brookline, Massachusetts Town Meeting was the following;
ARTICLE 31 To see if the Town will adopt the following resolution: A Resolution in Support of the Impeachment of President George W. Bush

Whereas, President George W. Bush has repeatedly violated his oath of office by failing to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, in particular by directing and countenancing numerous violations of the Constitution and Laws of the United States, and by purposely misleading the citizens of the nation so as to cause the United States to commence war in Iraq; therefore be it

Resolved, that this Town Meeting urges our Representative in Congress to introduce and/or support a resolution impeaching President George W. Bush; and be it further

Resolved, that the Town Clerk send notice of the adoption of this resolution to all members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation within two weeks of its adoption.
or act on anything relative thereto.
The results of the vote can be seen here at Town of Brookline. The measure passed.

Did you make the call to Aunt Millie? President Bush and his agents want to know.
From the Musical "Lil' Abner" (1956) (Gene de Paul / Johnny Mercer)
The money that they taxes us
That's known as revenues
They compound up collaterals
Subtracts the residue

Don't worry about the principal
And interest it encrues
They're shipping all that stuff to foreign lands
The country's in the very best of hands


08/27/2006 - 09/03/2006  

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